Health Care

Health Care

Exhaust gas filters for electrosurgery or respiratory masks for everyday use - Hengst products are increasingly finding their way into medical technology. With our filtration expertise, we want to make a contribution to the health of our society.

Breathe in, breathe out, recharge your batteries. For healthy people, clean air is a blessing. For the sick or infirm, it is more than that. For these particularly vulnerable people, it is about safety and their own health. Filtered air without pollutants plays a major role here. In Hengst Filter systems for the sensitive Health Care sector, broad technological and application knowledge, based on our filtration expertise, is condensed into customized, according to EN ISO 13485 certified solutions.

As a German family business, we develop and manufacture solutions even for critical applications in a resource-saving and efficient manner. Thanks to our cooperation partners in medical technology, our networks and memberships in many standards committees, we are always at the heart of the action and have our finger on the pulse of today's and tomorrow's requirements. You can rely on excellent quality management and high-quality, safe and certified Health Care products.

Do you need an innovative new development for your exact requirements? That's what we love to work on - and with our partners.

Please feel free to contact us:

Hengst SE
Nienkamp 55-85
48147 Münster
© 2025 Hengst SE

Please write to us:

If you have any questions or suggestions, you've come to the right place. Send us a message and we will reply as quickly as possible. To the contact form

purifying our planet

Our corporate vision

We make the planet cleaner with our products. We also make the journey there as clean as possible.


We develop the filtration solutions of the future. For our customers and for society.


Our focus is on energy efficiency. This helps the environment and saves costs.