Air Filtration for Buildings | Optimum indoor air quality Air Purifier against Covid
Make short work of Covid-19!
Whether classrooms, teaching and seminar rooms, doctors' surgeries, offices or restaurants - the antiviral air purifier ensures clean, healthy indoor air everywhere. The latest development from filter system expert Hengst SE has been tested by scientists at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and is already in use in hundreds of schools, daycare centers, surgeries, offices and restaurants.
After just 10 minutes, the viral load in the room air is reduced by 50%, after just 30 minutes even by 90% (room size 80 m²) at an air exchange rate of 6 times per hour.
The HEPA class H14 combi filter achieves a filter efficiency of ≥ 99.995 %. Fine dust, allergens, bacteria and the smallest viral-contaminated aerosol droplets are reliably filtered out of the room air. And without the use of UV-C radiation.
The noise level in continuous operation at 800 m³/h nominal volume flow is below 35 db(A). The Power Diffusor Pro distributes the intake air evenly towards the ceiling without any disruptive draughts. This achieves the best possible air circulation in the entire interior. + The robust, flow-optimized design and energy-efficient technology guarantee safe continuous operation and low energy consumption.
The air purifier is controlled via a clear display. The room size can be conveniently entered here, which automatically sets the optimum performance of the purifier, and the air exchange rate can also be adjusted at any time (a 4-fold exchange rate per hour is recommended). A weekly schedule can be programmed in the menu and a silent or booster function and a run-on time can be activated. The filter saturation and the room air quality are displayed and the device can be controlled via a weekly schedule. The air purifier also has a daylight sensor and a timer.
Benefits Air Purifier against Covid – Your customer benefits at a glance:
The HEPA class H14 combi filter effectively removes ≥ 99.995 % of airborne viruses and aerosols.
Fine dust, allergens, bacteria and the smallest viral contaminated aerosol droplets are reliably filtered out of the room air.
Without the use of UV-C irradiation.
Reduction of the viral load by >90 % after 30 minutes (room size 80 m²). At an air exchange rate of 6 times per hour.
The noise level in continuous operation at 800 m³/h nominal volume flow is <35 db(A) (as of October 2022).
The Power Diffusor Pro distributes the intake air evenly towards the ceiling without any disruptive draughts. This achieves the best possible air circulation in the entire interior.
The robust, flow-optimized design and energy-efficient technology guarantee safe continuous operation and low energy consumption.
Made in Germany.
Here you will find (almost) all the answers to your questions at a glance:
What are aerosols?
Does the air purifier make ventilation superfluous?
How effective is the antiviral air purifier?
Can indirect infection be prevented with
Can the use of the device release me from official requirements?
How high must the air exchange rate of an air purifier be?
What kind of Filter Elements are used?
Why is a HEPA filter of filter class H14 used?
What is a HEPA filter?
What exactly does H14 mean and does the HEPA H14 filter really only filter particles from 0.1-0.3 µm?
Why does the not use UV-C radiation or heat in the device to destroy viruses?
How often does the filter insert need to be changed?
How do I change the filter?
What do I have to pay attention to when changing the filter and how should the installed filter be disposed of?
How much space does the need and where do I have to place the device?
How is uniform clean air distribution ensured?
I have several in use, what is the best way to distribute them around the room?
Can I change locations quickly with the
What do I need to bear in mind during commissioning?
Is overnight operation necessary?
Product variants (variant L)
Was sind die Vorteile eines großen Luftreinigers gegenüber eines kleinen Luftreinigers?
- Konstruktionsbedingt ist bei kleineren Geräten die Luftwechselrate deutlich geringer als die empfohlenen 6 x pro Stunde, daher eignen sie sich nur für sehr kleine Räume. Siehe => „Wie hoch muss die Luftwechselrate des Luftreinigers sein?“.
- Ein kleineres Gerät stößt die gereinigte Luft auf Körper- oder Kopfhöhe oder gar bodennah aus, die entstehende Zugluft wird als unangenehm empfunden (direktes Anströmen, Zugluft).
- Nur in einem großen Gerät haben die wichtigen HEPA-Filter eine ausreichende Filterfläche, um einen langfristigen Schutz ohne ständigen Filterwechsel zu gewährleisten.
- Um eine geringe Lautstärke sicherzustellen, muss eine ausreichende Schalldämmung verbaut sein, die nur in größeren Geräten Platz findet.
- Aus dem gleichen Grund setzt man in einem großen Gerät einen entsprechend leistungsfähigen Ventilator ein, den man in dem angegebenen Nennbereich des Volumenstroms nicht voll auslasten muss. (variant M)
Test passed! Room air in. Clean air out.
The has a HEPA filter class H14 and is equipped with a nominal volume flow rate of 1,150 m³/h. This achieves particle reductions of between 94 and 95 % under reproducible conditions in practical tests by an independent accredited test laboratory. This at the relevant particle size of 0.5 µm. The [to the test report] thus proves that it is an effective helper in reducing the risk of coronavirus infection.