
Sustainability: Purifying our planet

People, processes, products - we want to operate as sustainably as possible in all areas and thus make the planet a little cleaner.

Purifying our planet: that is our mission. Starting on a small scale, in each of our products, right through to our major corporate strategy. Everything we do is aimed at making our planet cleaner and enabling us all to live more sustainably.

This journey began when we were founded in 1958, because at the heart of filtration is the separation of the harmful from the useful: In the air, in water, in oil. And we do this every day, millions of times over.

It is at least as important to us that we take a sustainable approach to our products. We want to use more bio-based raw materials, produce in a way that conserves resources and energy and constantly improve the recyclability of our products.

To reduce ourcarbon footprint, we presented our internal Sustainability Award for the first time in 2022. Every year, all of our 23 locations are called upon to develop ideas forreducing CO2 and for more sustainable products.

This is all our contribution to a cleaner planet.

Hengst has set itself science-based targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and is now having these validated by the independent organization Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). The aim is to achieve even more sustainable business practices throughout the Hengst Group in line with the 1.5-degree target of the Paris Climate Agreement.
The third edition of the internal Sustainability Award broke records in terms of submissions and ideas. For the first time, eight ideas were therefore transferred to a mentoring process in order to intensively examine their feasibility and implementation. The focus of the Sustainability Award 2024 was the circular economy.
At Hengst, the Nature Conservation Day has become an integral part of the calendar in Münster. For the second time, more than 20 colleagues worked together with NABU on landscape conservation and learned a lot about our flora and fauna.
The second internal Sustainability Award goes to Münster. The winning team has converted the end plates of selected filter inserts to recyclates, i.e. recycled plastic. This switch saves hundreds of thousands of liters of crude oil and several thousand tons of CO2 per year.
First step taken: on the way to Group-wide climate neutrality 2030 has been operating its headquarters in Münster on a climate-neutral basis since 2022.
Hengst is organizing the Sustainability Week in Münster with the topics of energy, mobility, nutrition and production.
Hengst presents the first internal Sustainability Award to the site in Joinville, Brazil. 15,000 trees are planted around the plant, which grow quickly and remove a lot of CO2 from the air.

Sustainability starts with people

Sustainable business is not just about good products and clean production - it starts with people. We are therefore constantly creating new offers for our employees for an environmentally conscious working life and inspiration for a sustainable private life. This applies in particular to the areas of energy, mobility, nutrition and health.

And with our company kindergarten in Münster and events for the families of our employees worldwide, we are already taking the next generation with us on our mission of "purifying our planet".

Our filter solutions and their contribution to sustainability

Our filters are more than just technical innovations - they make an active contribution to environmental protection, resource efficiency and health protection.

Environmental protection and pollutant reduction

Our filtration solutions play a key role in the purification of air and liquids. By reducing the emission of pollutants, we prevent them from being released into the environment. This measure not only contributes to environmental protection, but also has a positive impact on indoor air quality and production environments and therefore on people's health.

Conserving resources and saving energy

Our filter products are designed in such a way that they not only deliver maximum performance, but also have low air resistance in the process. This not only significantly reduces energy consumption, but also minimizes costs and reduces the ecological footprint. We firmly believe that resource efficiency is the key to a sustainable future.

Longer service life

The use of our filters protects machines and systems from the ingress of pollutants. This significantly extends the service life of these devices. This extension not only reduces the need for energy-intensive new production, but also contributes to a sustainable circular economy.

Download our sustainability report

Please feel free to contact us:

Hengst SE
Nienkamp 55-85
48147 Münster
© 2025 Hengst SE

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purifying our planet

Our corporate vision

We make the planet cleaner with our products. We also make the journey there as clean as possible.


We develop the filtration solutions of the future. For our customers and for society.


Our focus is on energy efficiency. This helps the environment and saves costs.