Breathe in, breathe out, recharge your batteries: for healthy people, clean air is a blessing. For the sick or infirm, it is more than that. For these particularly vulnerable people, it is about safety and their own health. Filtered air without pollutants plays a major role here.
Based on over 60 years of filtration expertise, Hengst uses its broad technological and application knowledge to develop patient-oriented filtration solutions for the medical sector. The fact that customers can rely on excellent quality management, high-quality and safe products has now also been confirmed by an external and independent body with DIN EN ISO 13485 certification.
DIN EN ISO 13485 describes quality management for various stages in the life cycle of medical devices, including installation, servicing and maintenance on the market.
Products for medical applications are subject to very high requirements. Certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13485 is the basis for a common language between manufacturers and suppliers and defines uniform quality standards and processes so that we can protect patients, users and third parties in the best possible way with our products.
Dr. Sebastian Stühle
Head of the Health Care Filtration business unit
This marks another milestone in the expansion of Hengst Filtration's field of activity, as the certification underlines the reliability of our products. The medical technology sector is set to grow disproportionately in the coming years. In addition to the already existing clean room production, the Tech-Center Filtration is currently being built at the headquarters in Münster, which is working on future-oriented filtration solutions as an innovation center for the entire Hengst Group worldwide.