Latest news – 03/13/2024

Hengst Filtration signs climate city contract with the city of Münster

Owner Jens Röttgering is one of 130 signatories. The aim is to make the city climate-neutral.

Münster. Jens Röttgering signed the City of Münster's Climate City Agreement on behalf of Hengst Filtration. Our owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors was thus one of 130 signatories to this public commitment to greater climate protection and concrete contributions to climate neutrality.

It is in our DNA as a filtration specialist to make the planet cleaner. As a manufacturing company, we want to achieve this by 2030 without burning fossil fuels and with 100% green electricity.

Jens Röttgering

Jens Röttgering

Owner Hengst Filtration

Münster has been selected by the EU as one of 100 European pioneer cities for the "100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030" mission. The signatories of the Climate City Agreement are a reflection of the entire urban society: private individuals, companies, associations, public institutions and many more.

Hengst has committed to reducing emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels from its own plants and vehicles to zero by 2030 and to sourcing 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources. Since 2021, the German sites have been supplied entirely with green electricity, and since last year both plants in Poland as well. From this year onwards, all remaining locations worldwide are to be supplied with 100% green electricity. The burning of fossil fuels is also to be gradually replaced by 2030.

If you would like to know more about Hengst Filtration's sustainability efforts, please take a look here. You will also find the latest sustainability report there.

You are welcome to use the press photos for editorial purposes with the copyright notice "City of Münster/Meike Reiners".

Please feel free to contact us:

Hengst SE
Nienkamp 55-85
48147 Münster
© 2024 Hengst SE

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purifying our planet

Our corporate vision

We make the planet cleaner with our products. We also make the journey there as clean as possible.


We develop the filtration solutions of the future. For our customers and for society.


Our focus is on energy efficiency. This helps the environment and saves costs.