Aktualności dotyczące kariery – 13.04.2023

Szkolenie: Trzydniowe warsztaty samochodowe

Nasi stażyści budują i programują autonomiczny pojazd.

Learning to program in a playful way? That's exactly what our apprentices at Hengst do! That's why, in the week before Easter, there was a three-day Joy Car workshop at Hengst for the first time for all first-year apprentices from Münster and Nordwalde.

The Joy-Car is an autonomous educational robot that provides an introduction to robotics, electronics and programming. It can be controlled with a remote control, but also drives autonomously thanks to sensors such as line tracking, ultrasound, infrared and wheel speed sensors.

On the first day of the workshop, the trainees assembled the kit by hand, and on the second, they programmed the car in MakeCode or MicroPhyton. The highlight of the third workshop day consisted of various races with the joy cars at our Hengst Academy in Münster.

Prosimy o kontakt:

Hengst SE
Nienkamp 55-85
48147 Münster
© 2025 Hengst SE

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