Notícias sobre a carreira – 30.10.2023

Hengst no dia da empresa da FH Münster em Steinfurt

Os nossos quatro colegas tiveram cerca de 200 boas conversas

Four colleagues recently represented Hengst again very successfully at the Münster University of Applied Sciences Company Day at the Steinfurt campus. HR colleagues Carolin Leyendecker and Stefanie Klein as well as FH alumni/students Hüseyin Aksoy and Marvin Deppe conducted almost 200 interviews on the day.

The interested students mainly came from the fields of chemical engineering, mechanical engineering and industrial engineering. The topics were partly about Hengst as an employer in general, but also very specifically about interesting theses at the TechCenter Filtration.

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48147 Münster
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purifying our planet

A nossa visão empresarial

Tornamos o planeta mais limpo com os nossos produtos. Também tornamos a viagem até lá o mais limpa possível.


Desenvolvemos as soluções de filtragem do futuro. Para os nossos clientes e para a sociedade.


O nosso objetivo é a eficiência energética. Isto ajuda o ambiente e poupa custos.